Seeing is Believing..

Seeing is believing

Seeing Is NOT ALWAYS believing

But your eyes are absolutely                                                                                                                                         the windows to your SOULimg070a

My art My life

Hello all! This is my very first post, and I wanted to tell you all that art has been constantly a companion for me. Its not that anyone is a good artist or a bad one. It is just how you perceive it. Even a kid of say 3 years  has the talent for art and each and everyone , yes and even you have that ability to draw or paint. 

You can never say that you have the talent or not for anything but,when you were 3 years old, you had that passion not only for art but EVERYTHING. Whatever you THOUGHT was your interest and whatever you THOUGHT were your talents and whatever you THOUGHT you can achieve remained in your heart and in my case it was art!
